• shape

    The plastic of the future!

    With Therpol we are bringing true circularity for a large variety of plastics.
    We are all about the future, empowering our business partners to lead in recycling and sustainability.
    True sustainability has to be economically feasible– Therpol provides that solution.

Sandálias Circulares

E se o seu Jeans usado virasse uma sandália?

  • Alças 100% Recicláveis fabricadas em Therpol® (Borracha da Seringueira Termoplástica) + Resíduo de Tecido Jeans
  • Alças Super-resistentes
  • Solado Micro expandido em Borracha + Therpol®
  • Leves e Confortáveis
  • 100% Circulares
  • Veganas

We are the future!

And the future starts today!

We are a sustainable innovation, based on a biorenewable source of raw material, rubber from the rubber tree. Technology and transformation are in our DNA, together with the sustainable revolution.

The Plastic of
the Future!

“Therpol® brings the true circularity of plastic!”

Transformation cases

Our technology offers excellent application flexibility


Therpol®, a patented and Brazilian innovation: 100% ours!

Our technology is unique, patented and represents the pinnacle of waste management. After all, around here, added value is a serious thing. We are talking about a legitimate circular economy!

Technology and transformation

See how Therpol® can revolutionize a sustainable future.

Earth Life

By valuing the seringueira as a source of natural rubber, Therpol® supports the conservation of biodiversity and the preservation of terrestrial ecosystems. Maintaining the forests where the rubber tree grows promotes the protection of habitats and species.

Mechanical Resistance

Therpol® has high mechanical resistance, giving it the ability to withstand loads and deformations without compromising its structural properties. Ideal for applications that require durability and impact resistance.

Reducing carbon emissions

Reduction of carbon emissions. The use of Therpol® as a substitute for synthetic polymers derived from fossil sources contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This is due to the important role of the rubber tree in capturing CO2.

Climate action

Climate action. Therpol® demonstrates the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by replacing synthetic polymers derived from fossil sources, from their origin, such as rubber tree latex.

Real circular economy

With Therpol®, almost everything is used!

Raw materials and waste, previously relegated to the status of simple trash, now receive a new opportunity for utility driven by Therpol®, avoiding harmful impacts on the environment. A notable example is the case of “Parts made from automotive roofs”, where we were able to create products of high quality, durability and resistance using waste previously discarded in landfills, such as pieces of fabric, plastics, adhesives and packaging of different thicknesses, textures and flexibilities. From automotive roof components to bottle caps and snack packaging, all of this becomes excellent raw material in the production process with Therpol®.